Roll up door installation in Manhattan

Opening a new business or moving into a new location?

You probably either have expensive merchandise or the neighborhood requires extra protection when you are not there and you are concerned about break- ins, the installation of one of our strong durable gates is your answer.

In the photo you can see the process of installing a new roll up gate. But let’s start from the beginning.

Step 1.

We’ve inspected and made sure that there is a safe electricity access,

Made sure that the new gate will not block any fire- escape

Step 2.

Placing the gate track on the walls and making sure it’s proper future appearance.

Placing the tracks are getting done by bolts and welding process.

Step 3.

Now when the tracks are up, we can go ahead and lift up the torsion spring.

But Before we take it up all the way, we are connecting several pieces of heavy gage solid slats, and thats in order to make sure that the fence will have something strong to lay on.

Step 4.

After we connected the spring, we can start inserting the window slats one by one.

We are putting the bottom bar with rubber at the end

And moving on to the gate’s motor installation

Step 5.

Installing the roll up gate motor

With key switch at the front with safe box to prevent vandalism or brake- ins.

Push button on the inside

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